Learn French in France

Institut Universitaire de Langue et de Culture Françaises


Since 1996, the IULCF has been welcoming foreign students of all language levels from all over the world. The IULCF offers students, professionals, high school pupils and anyone wishing to learn French intensive, extensive, one-to-one courses and summer courses in a historic setting in the heart of Toulouse.

FLE teachers can also improve their skills in teaching French as a foreign language. Much more than just learning a language, the IULCF offers you cultural enrichment and an unforgettable life experience. You will learn French or improve your knowledge with a dynamic team that is always ready to listen.

Welcome in Toulouse
Prepare your stay:
Campus France Guide

School Highlights

The University Campus is located in the heart of the old town.

What's new ?

Discover our specialised French courses in the fields of business, medicine and aeronautics.
Download our Brochure Français médical

Visit the school website

Institut Universitaire de Langue et de Culture Françaises

31 rue de la Fonderie 31068 Toulouse

+ 33 (0) 561 36 81 30

Course organisation :
Group courses at your level, Tailor-made courses, Summer French Courses

Course content :
Intensif General French, Professional French Courses, Teaching training Programmes

Oficial Language Testing Center :