Awarded jointly by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the FLE quality label focuses on five areas : reception - premises - management - teachers team - courses programmes.
Schools associations and professional networks :
ADCUEFE is the association of the language centres located in French universities. One of this organisation’s aims is to focus on a mutual recognition of degrees offered by various centres.
The Groupement FLE is an association created in 2008 with 48 member centres teaching French as a Foreign Language. There are three main objectives : a dynamic and progressive quality approach based on external accreditations and/or internal audits - the promotion of its members - the pooling together of information and actions concerning the whole profession towards various authorities.
Founded in 1990, Souffle is an association of 10 French language teaching schools, united around a Quality Charter.
The "Welcome to France" label is awarded to French higher education establishments wishing to highlight their welcome arrangements. It is awarded for 4 years by Campus France and validated by an independent commission.
EAQUALS - Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services - is an international association of institutions and organisations involved in language education. Its aim is to promote and guarantee high quality in language teaching and learning. To achieve this aim, EAQUALS has created and published a demanding set of criteria to verify the quality offered by its Accredited Members-schools offering courses in a wide variety of languages in 25 countries.
Founded in 1883, the Alliance Française is the world’s leading linguistic and cultural network, with branches in 130 countries. Its mission is to promote the learning of French, to raise awareness of French culture and Francophone cultures, and to encourage cultural diversity.
L’Office national de garantie des séjours et stages linguistiques was established in 1997 and has 32 members, all united by a Quality Contract.
UNOSEL - National Union of Educational Stay and Linguistic Organisations and Language Schools - is the largest federation of language and educational stay organisations for youth and adults. It was founded in 1978 and has 70 members, thus forming a multicultural and multidisciplinary team with expertise in all areas of language learning and, more generally, education. UNOSEL members commit to a quality charter for education and to European standard EN 14804 on languages.