Learn French in France

Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne


Since 1919, the Cours de civilisation française de La Sorbonne (CCFS), a member of the Robert de Sorbon Foundation, has enabled students from around the world to study French and France in the heart of Paris. With its academic heritage, it provides French language, phonetics and civilization teaching for today’s world. The courses are graded as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

From October 6, 2021 our address will be: 16-22 rue de Martignac, 75007 Paris.

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Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne

16-22 rue de Martignac

+33 1 44 10 77 00

Course organisation :
Group courses at your level  •  Online courses virtual classes  •  Summer French Courses

Course content :
Intensif General French  •  Exam Preparation Courses  •  French for Higher Education studies  •  Professional French Courses

Oficial Language Testing Center :

Exam Diplomas Center :