Learn French in France

Centre FLEURA - Université Clermont Auvergne


For more than 50 years, the FLEURA centre has been welcoming foreign visitors who want to learn French or deepen their knowledge of the French language and culture in initial or continuing education. Courses are given throughout the academic year and offers intensive courses before the start of classes. The FLEURA centre particularly prepares students wishing to succeed in their university studies in France by offering French courses on University Objectives, French courses on Specific Objectives : Science - Business - Literature. The FLEURA centre is also a certification centre for DELF / DALF and DCL.

Welcome in Clermont-Ferrand ! - Practical Guide Campus France
All you need to know to prepare your stay and discover the city

School Highlights

Quality FLE Label. Campus France member.

Welcome at Clermont-Auvergne University!
Visit the school website

Centre FLEURA - Université Clermont Auvergne

34, avenue Carnot 63000 Clermont-Ferrand

+33 (0) 473 40 64 96

Course organisation :
Group courses at your level  •  Summer French Courses

Course content :
Intensif General French  •  French for Higher Education studies

Oficial Language Testing Center :

Exam Diplomas Center :